Education/Graduate Study

ARTDTP supports graduate students enrolled in the Laney Graduate School of Emory University who are conducting basic research in the area of antimicrobial resistance and infectious diseases, and employing the approaches of biochemistry, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology and/or synthetic chemistry. Currently, eligible students in their third and fourth years of PhD training are drawn from one of four programs of the Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BCDBIMPMMG and MSP) or the Department of Chemistry graduate program. ARTDTP trainees may receive up to two years of stipend support and funds for supplies and travel and are expected to fully engage in a curriculum comprising diverse educational and research opportunities that draw on the diverse expertise of the ARTDTP training faculty as well as numerous research and clinical facilities at Emory and elsewhere.

Trainees in ARTDTP receive unique training opportunities for their development as scientists in the biomedical research field.  In their first year of appointment to the training grant, all trainees enroll in “Principles of Anti-infectives” in which basic concepts of antimicrobial discovery and resistance are covered. Trainees and their mentors also participate in a bi-monthly focus group that allows open discussion of current “hot” topics in antimicrobial resistance and therapeutic discovery.  Trainees also meet with scientists from academia, industry and government to learn about career opportunities.  Trainees also visit the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory at Emory University Hospital to learn latest technologies regarding pathogen detection and resistance.  They also and have the opportunity to  interact with scientists employing techniques in drug discovery (such as high throughput screening) to identify novel antimicrobials.  Trainees are required to attend monthly ARTDTP-sponsored seminars and are welcome to attend the ARREST discussion group.  Trainees present their research in a bi-yearly symposium that includes a keynote speaker noted for their expertise in antimicrobial resistance or therapeutic discovery.